Yogic Postures for Strengthening Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor or diaphragm is formed by right & left sided levator Ani muscles, meeting in the center.

The Levator Ani muscle has 3 parts, front – pubococcygeus, middle – ileococcygeus & back – ishio-coccygeus.

It spreads like a Japanese fan. It is pierced by 3 structures in female & 2 in male. They are urethra, vagina and anal canal and urethra and anal canal respectively.

The innermost fibers of Puboccocygeus form a sling around these passages to function like a sphincter. After repeated vaginal births or due to loss of tone and strength, this sphincter like function becomes weak.

This gives rise to dribbling of urine after coughing, sneezing, laughing etc. This embarrasses the female, disturbing her quality of life.

Following are the Yogic Postures which help to regain tone and strength in Levator Ani.

Though a striated, skeletal muscle, we do not have awareness of its contraction.

Contraction of lower fibers of Rectus Abdomens (near pubic symphysis), that of Gluteal muscles and external anal sphincter, (all together) is associated with contraction of Levator ani.

Since we cannot voluntarily contract Levator Ani, we have take help of these muscles.

This leads to lifting of pelvis from front and extension at back.

The following postures, with above mentioned awareness, makes the woman free of her complaints after 6 – 8 weeks.

  • Gomukhasan (Legs)
  • Shalabhasan
  • Setubandha
  • 45O Adhomukh Shwanasan
  • Both Legs Lift 1’ from floor
  • Both Legs rotation 1’ from floor
  • Active Pelvic Lift
  • Pelvic lift belt
  • Slanting Lumbar Traction with awareness.

* We teach this information in the Medical Yoga Teacher Course and Advance Course for Yoga Professionals and doctors.

* This information is applied in Medical Yoga Therapy to help the patients.

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